13° Forum Italian Ambient Assisted Living


Welcome to the 13° Forum Italian Ambient Assisted Living

The Program of ForItAAL 2024 is out !

The 13° Forum of Italian Ambient Assisted Living (ForItAAL 2024) serves as the annual gathering for professionals, companies, end-user organizations, policymakers, research institutions, and universities. ForItAAL 2024 will take place in Florence as a in-person conference on June 25th-28th, 2024.

ForItAAL provides a platform for discussing the challenges posed by digital transformation and smart technologies in the field of active and healthy aging. The primary goal is to foster innovation, share knowledge, and explore opportunities within the realms of Ambient Assisted Living, Active & Healthy Ageing, and Smart Living. Esteemed national and international speakers will contribute to the discussion.

ForItAAL intends to offer an opportunity for knowledge and insight into the effectiveness of welfare policies based on the integration of social and health care, and focused on the centrality of coordinated, multidisciplinary and innovative responses to the health and care needs of the users, in their working and domestic environments. It is significant important the adoption of collaborative and integrated approach between operators and professional figures involved in the the care system, in a synergy that enhances resources and skills and aims to improve and optimise the system of social, health and social services dedicated to families, older people, and the most fragile segments of the population.

The organizing commitee of ForItAAL 2024 welcomes scientific contributions, fostering the dissemination of research advances in the area of smart technologies and artificial intelligent solutions for active aging. Please, check the details on Paper submission, here.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Health and wellness, prevention and rehabilitation, management of daily activities, support for care-providers
  • Active Aging and Social Implications
  • Technologies and services to help frail and impaired citizens and their families
  • Advances integrated solutions as decision support tools for improving health management
  • Domotics and control technologies: autonomy, satefy and energy saving
  • Smart cities and Smart Communities
  • Telemedicine, tele-rehabilitation, tele-assistance
  • Mobility and social inclusion
  • Social Housing
  • Social Game
  • Microelectronics and microsystems for AAL
  • Digital transformation in healthcare and social domains
  • Assistive technologies and robotics for daily activity support, monitoring and assessment
  • Interaction and interface design: design for all, accessibility, acceptance
  • Identification of social policies to foster and support active aging
  • Identification of social policies to foster and support active aging
  • Analysis of demographic trends, impact on society and needs analysis
  • Business model, market analysis, development of sustainable financing and business models
  • Ethics, Privacy, and Data protection
  • Important Dates
    (all at 23.59 CEST)

    Paper submission
    March 30, 2024
    April 15, 2024
    April 28, 2024*

    *no further extension

    Paper notification
    April 20, 2024
    May 25, 2024

    Final camera-ready paper submission
    May 20, 2024
    June 30, 2024

    June 25-28, 2024

    Connect with ForItAAL 2024